
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life it self!

What am I doing! Will I ever find out that question! I'm sitting here thinking if it's even worth my time!? Will I think differently tomorrow!? Will I be confused for a very long time!? You get to a certain age where u don't even know what to do with ur life anymore! I don't see me going nowhere! What do I do!!! Is there a road to lead my a path may I follow! Or will I be confused for another few years till it hits me...what is it! I love it! But then I hate it and think it's retarded of me cuz I honestly have better things to do! Why do I find it so difficult to leave just get away and learn that I do much better a lone! I'v done this over and over and I still don't get why i'm still here who am I trying to prove otherwise! I jst don't get it. I'v,been alone and i'm alot more calm and wise about everything.. Maybe my time should be dedicated to people that really love me and care for me! In this harsh world it's hard to tell who will be good to u! U trust someone and care for them and Well Circumstances just happen to show u otherwise! Ha just a few years ago I plan so many things and learned every thing changes just in a couple of month! Why am I against everything! Why don' I know who I am anymore! I guess my journey is to find out better get to bed tomorrow is another day!
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1 comment:

  1. Tomorrow is another day. ALways remember that. It could be worse. And although it feels crappy, every experience happens for a reason and whether thats too make you stronger or weaker is up to you.
