Wow where does the time go? Not to long ago I was Really excited to move out and experience the world on my own. Now I'm back at my mothers how's how Ironic is that? I don't get it either. I haven't updated my status in a while the funny thing is no one reads my blogs but myself, I love to read back on them and remind myself everything happens for a reason and if maybe at that very specific moment I didn't know why, eventually it will make me realize how months days hours could make a difference.So much has happen since the last blog I did, one thing I do want to mention is my mother being in the hospital. It was back in June, she had took her vacations from work everything seem fine she had a small cough for a couple of days and mentioned her side was hurting, my mother is a very strong women she never says what's wrong with her even if it hurts! so we are getting ready to have a cook out all of a sudden she has this very sharp pain and goes lays on the bed at this point I'm really freaked out and i call a registered nurse she assign me to give her my mother symptoms and indicates we will need to take her to see the nurse with 24 hours. My sisters and I make an appointment and her doctors then they just give her medicine because there really not sure what she has till they review the x-rays after a week being on pain pills they have her go to the emergency room oh my by this time we are so scared we have never seen my mother sick! she was there for two weeks at first the doctors had said it was pneumonia but the liquid my mother had are not inside her lungs they are on the outside. After of two weeks in debating if they should put a chest tube to take out the pus that she had on the outside of her lungs finally it was out and everything has been back to normal Thank God!she's doing much better now and my point to my story is NEVER take people you love for granted because one minute there with you but life is never guaranteed for nobody so take five minutes of your busy life and get the person you love a flower no matter who it is mom, dad sibling, boyfriend, friend and reminded them how much you love and appreciate them because you could loose them tomorrow without telling them how important they were to you! THIS IS MY MESSAGE FROM ME TO YOU
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Washer and Drayer
So I decided to go to mommy's this morning because I don't have a washer and a dryer well I do but kind of expensive, so gives me an excuse to go spend the day with mommy. Don't you think. Yesterday that I went to the house it was like i felt depressed for some reason but today I realized it was only because my mother wasn't there well when I got there she was gettting ready to go to work. Then after she left it felt so alone. It's amazing how your mom lightens up everything, I can't imagin us with out my mom! These kind of things as in moving out make you realize that you have to appreciate what you have one of the other reasons I love living alone! My mom and dad are everything to me but when your at home you kind of take things and people for granted. Mother and i get along even better now I feel that were connecting although she tries to say rude things to me it's much easier to ignor them now and not fight with her. I washed all my clothes 1 less thing i have to worry about it's nice of my mom to let me wash everything there. I stood there all day, washing takes forever now my next worry is what am a going to wear to my sister cassandra's baby shower it's kind of hard to decide considering how awesome they dress. I can't spend money anymore on clothes I have bigger fish to fry now, but i'm not sad at all about it in the end I know this will help me in some way or another. I'v never regreted anything i'v ever done it's actually help me be a better me if i did i wouldn't be the person I am today, all I know is i'm feeling awesome! Tomorrow is training again I hope it's not boring I feel bad for our trainer but I honestly believe trainers are not suppose to be borning they have to have some kind of enthusiastic don't you think!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
New experience
Well back again with great news! Today Vero and her husband provided a little food for my new home..we also went out to eat for Carlo's Birthday which my other sister Jasmin was suppose to go to but was mad for some reason! anyway let's not talk about sad things. I'm alone again Vero left today I really enjoyed her company, but a married woman gotz to go home to her hubby!. My apartment is begenning to look a lot like home, only a few more things and I will be ready to roll I definitly need a T.V it is so quit in here. I need to watch my disney chanell who at my age still watching disney only me! My kitchin is pretty much done didn't need to much. my living room needs like some kind of pictures to look pretty, and my room just needs a bed conferder. My mom Melissa came to see my apt, I love her to death she is an amazing woman! she said my apt was awesome and she was proud of me.. Incrediable how words could change your day right! sometimes a hey I love you or hey what your doing is pretty awesome could change everything. As scary as i thought it would be, I actually love the feeling of living alone. Today that i went to my moms house it was pretty weird I felt sad but because everyone was in there own little world! My dad was in the room doing absolutly nothing, my mom was getting ready for work poor thing she works so much, Jasmin mad for some reason and Negra Just being her. The sadness i felt was strang like if there is no highlights for that house no hope nothing to look foward to no destination. I'm berly finding myself slowly but surly and when i do everything about me is going to change all over! I need to find a way were i could connect with my family and for them to always be engaged with eachother. That's one of my goals. well my fellow bloggers I will let you know more of my experience of living alone. I hope you all had a great easter.
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New Home...New life
Hello bloggers!
well guess what I moved out on 04/16, May you ask how it's going I'm loving it! I love having my own place. Don't get me wrong i miss living with my mom and dad but i needed my own space, I needed to run free!... My apartment is super tiny it's the cutest thing, it's so me! I got to start somewhere;) My sister bought me my basic stuff i needed and they also had me a welcoming home party and i got some pretty awesome things which i haven't been able to put up. I'm very excited for my experience here I feel like all that is left to do is register for school and go back i decided i want to go for business! when your in the buisness world nothing can go wrong and that's what my job is willing to pay for! Everyone has been asking me if i love living alone! I can honestly say YES it's the best decision i could of made! I got my bathroom things this weekend i begenning to feel more and more at home! my apartment complex is very calm and quit Thank GOD! i wouldn't be able to live somewhere that is loud.Everyday i am going to be blogging my experances and how I'm loving every moment of it. well i better be off to bed tomorrow is my day off and i am ready to have some fun!
well guess what I moved out on 04/16, May you ask how it's going I'm loving it! I love having my own place. Don't get me wrong i miss living with my mom and dad but i needed my own space, I needed to run free!... My apartment is super tiny it's the cutest thing, it's so me! I got to start somewhere;) My sister bought me my basic stuff i needed and they also had me a welcoming home party and i got some pretty awesome things which i haven't been able to put up. I'm very excited for my experience here I feel like all that is left to do is register for school and go back i decided i want to go for business! when your in the buisness world nothing can go wrong and that's what my job is willing to pay for! Everyone has been asking me if i love living alone! I can honestly say YES it's the best decision i could of made! I got my bathroom things this weekend i begenning to feel more and more at home! my apartment complex is very calm and quit Thank GOD! i wouldn't be able to live somewhere that is loud.Everyday i am going to be blogging my experances and how I'm loving every moment of it. well i better be off to bed tomorrow is my day off and i am ready to have some fun!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The is almost here
Wow can u believe the day is almost here to move out! I never thought this day would get here! Well I still got another month to go but hey it was 2 month but I feels like if it's taking forever! Although i'm not complaining I hate for time to fly but i'm really looking foward to living on my own. I get these day were i'm really scared and feel like i'm not going to make it, but then I think to myself if I let fear get in the way I will never get anywhere in life and it normally makes me feel better and know i'll do great. I need this for me I need to know how far I can get what i'm capable of
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
The person I love most in this world!
This is dedicated to my is a special day, it's the day a rose was born and a special person that was ment to do great things...i love u so much mom u have been through so much and u have manage to get though it all. I'm sorry if I ever offended u or made u worry about me in any way! U have made me the person I am today strong, independent, loyal, great at what I do. U protect me although i'm alreay old and can stand on my two feet your always there when i'm about to fall! I can't imagin life with out u.. Thank you for ahowing me each and everyday that no matter how hard something is whe need to always face it and get through it. You are a very strong independent woman I hope that someday I could have the same strength you have
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Thursday, February 3, 2011
Life it self!
What am I doing! Will I ever find out that question! I'm sitting here thinking if it's even worth my time!? Will I think differently tomorrow!? Will I be confused for a very long time!? You get to a certain age where u don't even know what to do with ur life anymore! I don't see me going nowhere! What do I do!!! Is there a road to lead my a path may I follow! Or will I be confused for another few years till it hits me...what is it! I love it! But then I hate it and think it's retarded of me cuz I honestly have better things to do! Why do I find it so difficult to leave just get away and learn that I do much better a lone! I'v done this over and over and I still don't get why i'm still here who am I trying to prove otherwise! I jst don't get it. I'v,been alone and i'm alot more calm and wise about everything.. Maybe my time should be dedicated to people that really love me and care for me! In this harsh world it's hard to tell who will be good to u! U trust someone and care for them and Well Circumstances just happen to show u otherwise! Ha just a few years ago I plan so many things and learned every thing changes just in a couple of month! Why am I against everything! Why don' I know who I am anymore! I guess my journey is to find out better get to bed tomorrow is another day!
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Monday, January 31, 2011
When I no longer can .....Cuando ya no pueda!
Hey guys here a little poem it's in spanish but I bet you'll love it if u translate it! Its for our parents or grandparents! Enjoy!
El dia que este viejo ya no sea el mismo, Ten paciencia y comprendeme cuando derrame comida sobre mi camisa y olvide como atarme los zapatos, Recuerda las horas que pase ensenandote las mismas cosas
Si cuando conversas con migo repito las mismas historias que conoces de sobra como termina, no me interrumpas escuchame. Cuando eras pequeno tuve que contarte miles de veces el mismo cuento hasta que cerraras tus ojitos
Cuando estemos reunidos y sin querer me haga mis necesidades, no te averguences y comprendeme, que no tengo culpa de ello, pues ya no puedo controlarlo. Piensa cuantas veses te ayude de nino y estuve pacientemente a tu lado esperando que terminaras lo que estavas haciendo.
No me reproches porque no quiera banarme, no me reganes por ello, recuerda los momentos que te persegui y los miles de pretextos que inventabas para hacerte mas agradable tu bano
Aceptame y perdoname, ya que nino ahora soy yo. Cuando me veas inutil e ignorante a todos los aparatos tecnologicos que ya no podre entender, te suplico que me des todo el tiempo que sea necesario para no lastimarme con tu risa. Acuerdate que fui yo quien te enseno tantas cosas, comer, vestirte y la educacion para enfrentar la vida tambien como lo haces, son el producto de mi esfuerzo y peraeverancia por ti. Cuando en algun tiempo mientras conversamos me llegue a olvidar del tema que eatamos hablando, dame todo el tiempo que sea necesario hasta que yo recuerde, y si no puedo hacerlo, no te olvides de mi talvez no era importante lo que hablaba pero a mi me basta con que solo me escuches en ese momento.
Si algun dia vez que ya no quiera comer, no me insistas, se cuanto puedo hacer y cuanto no debo hacer, tambien comprendeme que con el tiempo ya no tengo dientes para morder, ni gustos para sentir. Cuando me fallen mis piernas por estar cansadas y por andar, dame una mano tierna para apoyarme, como lo hice yo cuando comenzaste tu a caminar con tus debiles piernas.
Por ultimo, cuando me oigas decir que ya no quiero vivir y solo desee morir, no te enfades, algun dia entenderas que no tiene nada que ver con tu carino, ni lo mucho que te amo, trata de comorender ya no vivo sino sobrevivo, y eso no es vivir
Siempre quise lo mejor para ti, talvez no te lo demostre suficiente, no porque no haya querido, talvez es porque no savia como hacerlo, pero te quiero y poreso te pido que no te sientas triste por verme como me vez y te ruego que me acompanes a terminar mi sendero, dame amor y paciencia que yo te lo devolvere con gratitud y sonrisas con el mismo amor que tengo por ti
El dia que este viejo ya no sea el mismo, Ten paciencia y comprendeme cuando derrame comida sobre mi camisa y olvide como atarme los zapatos, Recuerda las horas que pase ensenandote las mismas cosas
Si cuando conversas con migo repito las mismas historias que conoces de sobra como termina, no me interrumpas escuchame. Cuando eras pequeno tuve que contarte miles de veces el mismo cuento hasta que cerraras tus ojitos
Cuando estemos reunidos y sin querer me haga mis necesidades, no te averguences y comprendeme, que no tengo culpa de ello, pues ya no puedo controlarlo. Piensa cuantas veses te ayude de nino y estuve pacientemente a tu lado esperando que terminaras lo que estavas haciendo.
No me reproches porque no quiera banarme, no me reganes por ello, recuerda los momentos que te persegui y los miles de pretextos que inventabas para hacerte mas agradable tu bano
Aceptame y perdoname, ya que nino ahora soy yo. Cuando me veas inutil e ignorante a todos los aparatos tecnologicos que ya no podre entender, te suplico que me des todo el tiempo que sea necesario para no lastimarme con tu risa. Acuerdate que fui yo quien te enseno tantas cosas, comer, vestirte y la educacion para enfrentar la vida tambien como lo haces, son el producto de mi esfuerzo y peraeverancia por ti. Cuando en algun tiempo mientras conversamos me llegue a olvidar del tema que eatamos hablando, dame todo el tiempo que sea necesario hasta que yo recuerde, y si no puedo hacerlo, no te olvides de mi talvez no era importante lo que hablaba pero a mi me basta con que solo me escuches en ese momento.
Si algun dia vez que ya no quiera comer, no me insistas, se cuanto puedo hacer y cuanto no debo hacer, tambien comprendeme que con el tiempo ya no tengo dientes para morder, ni gustos para sentir. Cuando me fallen mis piernas por estar cansadas y por andar, dame una mano tierna para apoyarme, como lo hice yo cuando comenzaste tu a caminar con tus debiles piernas.
Por ultimo, cuando me oigas decir que ya no quiero vivir y solo desee morir, no te enfades, algun dia entenderas que no tiene nada que ver con tu carino, ni lo mucho que te amo, trata de comorender ya no vivo sino sobrevivo, y eso no es vivir
Siempre quise lo mejor para ti, talvez no te lo demostre suficiente, no porque no haya querido, talvez es porque no savia como hacerlo, pero te quiero y poreso te pido que no te sientas triste por verme como me vez y te ruego que me acompanes a terminar mi sendero, dame amor y paciencia que yo te lo devolvere con gratitud y sonrisas con el mismo amor que tengo por ti
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Friday, January 28, 2011
That's how my life feels sometimes like if i'm speeding through everything..My job it's self is a fast past environment, my calls have to be quick and get issue resolved. The challenge is great I notice myself getting better at it everyday soon i'll become a pro! I'm a slow learner but I'll be one of the greatest I believe, I know I can I have before!;).i get a little ansy sometimes like if i'm getting an anxiety. Especially when my CRT is high! I try to calm down and it usually works. we actually were able to come home early today at 9, NICE right! Always fun to bond with the family, never really could by the time I get home everyone is already sleeping. Jasmin and bianca were at the hospital with Juan my poor baby had fever, gosh my daddy is sick to. Hope they get better soon! They got home right about 10ish they brought mcdonalds! Yummy ever since I started my diet and not eating out I can't help loving all fast food right now, the fries just tasted delicious! When we were done we all went to my room to watch the movie speed. (love that move) It's so old but it still attracts my eyes:) bianca and Juan were watching it with me. Not such a good idea knowing they have to go to school tomorrow. Well my blogger friends ready for a great day tomorrow;)
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